Access Compliance initiated a program to screen firefighters on-site,
at their department, to determine if they were physically capable of meeting the demands of firefighting activities. A tiered Classification System was developed to assist the Department and their Chief in determining the appropriate level of activity for each firefighter.
OSHA standards mandate that anyone required to wear a respirator must comply with Regulation 1910.134. This regulation also requires that medical clearance and FIT Testing are to be done on an annual basis. Since our program’s inception, we have expanded rapidly throughout New York, Vermont, and New Jersey, with plans to enter neighboring states in the coming years. Today, we serve in excess of 300 departments annually. With over a quarter of a million firefighter clearances performed to date, we are a leading provider in the Firefighter Medical Surveillance Industry.
Services Available on Site
Firefighter Physical (Physical, Pulmonary Function Test, Hearing/Vision)
FIT Testing
Electrocardiogram (EKG)
Vaccinations (Hepatitis B, Hepatitis B Titer, PPD/TB, and Flu)
Blood Work (CBC/Urinalysis/Chemistry)
Prostate Cancer Screening (PSA)
DOT Physicals
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