"We have the opportunity this year to celebrate a significant milestone for women in the workforce. In 1920, Congress created the Women’s Bureau (WB) to promote the interests of working women. Now, in 2020, the US Department of Labor will commemorate the Bureau’s accomplishments over the past 100 years. The Department will launch the Women’s Bureau Centennial with a campaign called “Our Purpose. Your Work.” The campaign will feature testimonials from America’s working women, presenting women of all ages the opportunity to share their work experiences, describe their aspirations for the workplace, and talk about how the Women’s Bureau has helped advance their careers. To learn more about the Women’s Bureau Centennial and the Department’s efforts to advance women in the workforce, or to engage in the “Our Purpose. Your Work.” campaign, visit the Women’s Bureau website at https://www.dol.gov/wb/."
(Shared from VPPPA Region II.)