Thursday, December 10, 2020
12:00pm – 1:00pm Eastern
"As the country continues efforts to reduce opioid misuse and overdose, what are some of the lessons learned? What progress have we made?
Join the NIOSH Total Worker Health Program and Center for Workers’ Compensation Studies on December 10th for a 60-minute webinar with Drs. Kuang-chi Chang from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), William Shaw from UConn Health, and Yonatan Ben-Shalom of Mathematica, as they share findings from a recent report on the State of the Field in Opioid Prescription Management. The report is part of a larger study, titled “Workers’ Compensation and the Opioid Epidemic,” funded by the Chief Evaluation Office at DOL. It reviews 134 studies of initiatives and strategies aimed at reducing opioid prescriptions and improving patient outcomes, across different intervention categories, settings, and research designs between 2014 and 2019. The speakers will discuss promising intervention studies with considerable evidence of effectiveness and provide key observations from areas with emerging evidence. The webinar will be moderated by TWH Director, Dr. Casey Chosewood and CWCS Director, Dr. Steve Wurzelbacher." (Shared from an email from OSHA Region 5 VPP Manager Nancy Mugavero.)
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