"How to Build an Emergency Kit:
If potentially disastrous weather is in the forecast, it's more important than ever to have and/or review your emergency kit. Here is a list of common essential items to have packed, charged, and ready to go in case of emergency.
1. Battery-Powered or Hand-Crank Radio.
2. Flashlight.
3. Hand Sanitizer, Moist Towelettes, or Wipes: In case water is turned off and hygiene becomes an issue.
4. Batteries: Pack more than you think you'll need.
5. Small Tool Kit or Multi-Tool.
6. Toilet Paper.
7. Water: A three-day supply per person.
8. Phone Charger: Pack a wireless one if you have it, and make sure it fits your phone.
9. Prescription Medication: At least seven days' worth.
10. First Aid Kit: Pack gauze, antiseptic cream, bug spray, cough medicine, scissors, gloves & safety pins.
11. Clothes: Make sure they're warm and don't forget socks and underwear.
12. Maps: In case you have to evacuate.
13. Food: Three-day supply of non-perishable food. If canned, pack a manual can opener, too!
Click the link for info on Additional Supplies to Pack: FEMA Building Emergency Kits."
Shared from Albany County's recent email update!